Task: сreate 2 NY gift sets for Business Partners of our Client - petfood producer.
Each set had to have different message in accordance to TA: for local BP message was "working together we support national economy, be conscious of it..."; for international TA - "we are modern company, we do our best to produce quality petfood, we love pets..."
Could we combine 2 message in one (for reason to be much less expensive in production too)?
Maybe we could prove by project implementation itself the thesis "support nat. economy" and "we love pets"?
We should be honest and stay commercial too. We don't want "original" chinese corporate souvenirs anymore!
Our Client's business is all around cat and dog... Children really love pets. They like to draw cat and dog. It is also true.
We involve into the project local children's art studio and prepared for children's creativity 150 plywood cat&dog silhouettes as a unique emotional present. Total corporative gift edition had been provided by the next replication of children's work on the required ammount of playwood silhouettes: 550 as big (VIP-gifts) and 2500 as small (complementary gifts - key ring). And drawing process of children's work was photographed that became the main content for corporate calendars as emotional confirmation "How it's work".
WE LOVE PETS' message became the essence of the project, its emotional inclusion of all project's participants including Client's employees and their children, print workers, others, total :)
Total corporate 'WE LOVE PETS' gift set included such branded items: quarterly calendars, business diaries, gift package, greetings card (print and e-version), VIP and complementary gifts, gift boxes.
We got confirmation from Client that WLP message hit the target.
Art studio got a new HP laptop for inspired work of young ukrainian artists.
As a postresult, Client is thinking about changing their corporate image: from modern and very serious to emotional and closer to Life because THEY REALLY LOVE PETS.
Kormotech, marketing and manufacturing petfood company
Design PUB Team:
Vitaliya Lazorkina - creative leader
30 young Picasso - main visual plywood's content
Natalia Kovshel' - designer
Andriy Rapyna - project management